Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Meet Ingrid, Tracy, and Dave

Once upon a time in America, you could hear almost anything on the radio. Times, of course, have changed. In the south Florida market, choices are limited. In larger cities like New York, Boston, and Philly, you can hear this song on the radio because their demographics are more diverse and sophisticated enough to have an audience that will support folk music. If it hadn't been for an Old Navy TV commercial, the boys here would never have discovered Ingrid Michaelson and her great song The Way I Am.

Or, thanks to Folk Alley on the Net, we wouldn't have found Tracy Grammer and the late Dave Carter. When we first heard this song, Gentle Soldier of My Soul, we actually made an effort to track it down and buy the CD without knowing anything else about the duo. Since then we've bought all of their CDs. Carter passed on in 2002 at the age of 49, three years before we had ever heard of him and his magical songwriting talents. Tracy Grammer continues on with haunting and evocative CDs of her own.

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